Animal Shelter

Huellitas de Corazón


This project was born in response to the growing demand for adequate websites adapted to the users needs, who seek to adopt animals from shelters and want to do the process completely online or at least carry out most of it from a digital platform.


Set up user needs / Establish business goals

It is important to find a balance between user needs and stake holder product / service goals, there is no way a design can work without this balance because stakeholders is probably looking for business growth and success, on the other hand, user is looking for a pleasant, friendly, approachable, accessible and comfortable experience when using the business product.

That is why this project was challenging, because it was important to not only give the animal shelter the tools and features they ask for in the website, but also make the searching and adoption process as easy, secure and effective as possible for people who are looking for a pet to adopt in the animal shelter website.

UX Process

Interviews: A representative sample was chosen (6 participants): A subset of people belonging to a target population which was looked to represent precisely the characteristics of a larger group.

The process started with a benchmark to know what kind of digital platforms were in the market already, next, through the research qualitative method interviews, I started to built the user persona, the main idea, was to collect insights from the participants answers regarding their posture to animal shelters and their websites, existing adopting animals methods and how they thing this process can be improved, to later classify this insights, identify pain points and start building the first wireframes as low fidelity prototype.

Paint Points - Getting Insights

The main purpose was to identify pain points, get some of the participants insights and be able to transform their needs in a responsive, usable, accessible, creative, valuable and desirable website.

User Persona

For this case study, the User Persona is Juan, who’s golds and characteristics represent and simplify the needs from group of people who participate in the interviews.

Empathy Map

It is a representation of what the user person Say, Think, Do and Feel, categorized this way, from answers obtained from the interview participants.

User Story

Fictional phrase told from the user persona perspective and is used to inspire design decisions

Sketchs and Wireframes

After the process of getting the user persona, identify pain points and define a problem statement, it was time to start to built the first basic wareframes, an early stage of the website, specially to define flows, functionality and what would be the user experience when using the product.

Responsive Design

The website must be responsive and be able to adapt to any device, smartphone, tablet or desktop


El Jardín de los Colores - App


Ease App - Ironchallengue by IronHack