Ironchallengue by IronHack

Ease APP


This amazing one day journey launched by IronHack Portugal, faced us with an exciting challenge. The idea was to design a digital product to help people who suffer social anxiety to get to know new people and make new friends.


“I really want to feel at home here and make new friends, but it's hard not to feel like an outsider. I miss my old friends and worry that I won't be able to build the same connections here.”

Ben “User persona”

User Persona

Empathy Map

The Ironchallengue mentors already provide us with a problem statement, a user persona and an empathy map in order to save time and be able to design the inter-phase in Figma and also a basic animation


Sketch / Crazy 8

The sketch process began with the “crazy8” Design sprint method, a fast sketching exercise to draw eight different design ideas in eight minutes, a minute for each idea.

Flow diagram

This flow describes the steps the user needs to take, in order to be able to set up profile, establish preferences and filters and so, the app will be able to show them matching profiles according to what they like, or their personality type.

Ease the app to help you make new friends facing your social fears

The idea with this app was to help people with social anxiety to get over their fears and be able to make new friends.

The app itself was based on giving the user tools and empowering them to find the best way to go out to the world and show their best. Ease provided activities to complete in order to earn skills, also forums and group meetings and a paid subscription with much more.

The main purpose was to give the user the confidence and will to get to know new people, always trying to fill their expectations, finding people who match their preferences and taste and also offering a secure space where they can be themselves and evolving in a social level, the spaces provided by ease were always secure, respectful and inclusive, giving maximum priority to what people feels and always having in mind that the process itself could be stressing, so the main idea is to make this users life easier.

Ironchallengue by IronHack Portugal


Huellitas de Corazón - Website