Hi! My name is Alejandro and this is my portfolio, I am a UX/UI Designer based in Lisbon, Portugal. Committed, passionate and creative.

Others describe me as: “A very committed and responsible person who cares about others, always trying to be empathetic, engaging with his work and responsibilities, always looking forward to being resoluteness and creative to find the best possible solution.”

What I like the most about UX/UI design is the possibility of being creative implementing digital product solutions to solve and engage with user needs.

My educational background as an Industrial Designer have helped me to develop research, analysis and execution skills, plus, the new skills I have learnt during my education as an UX/UI designer, those, together, allows me to perform in different scopes, and get a 360 vision when a challenge comes to the table.

Having the educational experience as designer, I have been able to develop and improve different skills that can be applied to UX - UI Design, such as research, identifying and analyzing the users needs, understand the user him/her self and also his/her context, to be able to provide solutions that fit and fulfill people's experiences using digital products.

With a broad experience working in customer service and freelance design work, I have been able to shape myself in different scopes that allow me to work transversely and multidisciplinary and be capable of contributing to the different companies a certain added value.

Main UX Skills: Design & Innovation processes, Design Research & Prototyping, Service Design, UX Writting.